Field Stations
The Boreal Ecosystem field station has been operating since 2012. It is located in Auktsjaur, in proximity to the field sites in managed forests and the Reivo nature reserve, and is nestled amidst lakes, wetlands and wooded areas.
The main functions of the field station are to conduct research on the evolution, ecology and conservation of boreal birds and is currently being expanded to include diverse projects including the human-nature connection through art and expression.
S.A. Lombard Nature Reserve (SAL) is located 17km from Bloemhof, South Africa. The main function of the reserve is for ungulate game species. SAL was one of the earliest wildlife conservation research centres in South Africa and is credited with saving the black wildebeest from extinction in the wild. Black wildebeest have now been restored to reserves throughout South Africa from the small game stock which formed the nucleus of the recovery program. Today, the reserve is a breeding centre for a number of plains animals, including springbok, black wildebeest, red hartebeest and zebra.