Science Communication

Film/ television documentary shows


Scientist contributor, CBC nature documentary, the Nature of Things “Nature’s Big Year” (Released: November 2021)


Audio communication/ podcast


Scientist contributor, invited guest, The World. Animal species are evolving to adjust to climate change (Aired: May 3, 2023)

Scientist contributor, invited guest, CBC Quirks and Quarks podcast, “Birds in North America benefited from COVID lockdowns. In the UK, not so much” (Aired: Oct. 1, 2022)

Scientist contributor, invited guest, CBC Quirks and Quarks podcast, “Music inspired by endangered bird calls brings focus on conservation and creativity” (Feb 19th, 2021)

Scientist contributor, invited guest, ‘Science…sort of’  podcast, "Chatting with chirpers"  (Aired: April 23, 2018)


Written communication


 Warrington, Miyako H and Griesser, Michael. March 2023. “Bird-brained? Climate change may affect intelligence in birds” The Conversation. 


Warrington, Miyako H. January 24, 2018. Industrial noise compels Savannah sparrows to change their tune. The Conversation, 

Warrington, Miyako H. 2016. Tapping to the beat of their own song. Biosphere (13), 60-65. [print]